FFC Park Ridge
Club Programming

Recent news:

Students using the Pilates reformers at FFC.

Come for a great Pilates Mat workout and stick around with your fellow classmates after class for a glass of Pinot and a demo of the PIlates Reformer in the studio on March 16 at 11:15 AM!

Sign up via the FFC+ app today!

Woman sitting in arobe holding a coffee cup

Throughout March, enjoy 15% off waxing at both FFC Oak Park and Park Ridge! You must book and receive the service by March 31, 2024, to receive the discount. No two discounts apply.

Where should my gears be? The basic spinning 101 guide.

Join us for 30-minute introductory classes to Spinning, Yoga, and Pilates Mat

  • Intro to Yoga: Friday, March 1 at 11:15 AM
  • Intro to Spin: Tuesday, March 5 at 12:15 PM
  • Intro to Spin: Thursday, March 7 at 11:00 AM

Register in the FFC+ App.

Logo for DASH program

D.A.S.H. standing for Developing Active Senior Health, is our exclusive FFC community, crafted specifically for those eager to stay active, fit, healthy, and social through every season of life. This March, let’s celebrate the joy of movement together! Try one of our dynamic classes designed to energize and inspire our senior members.

DASH Fitness: Jumpstart your Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11:15 AM with workouts that blend fun and fitness perfectly.

Aqua Workouts: Make a splash with our Aqua Workouts, scheduled Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday at 10:15 am, Monday at 6:00 PM, Tuesday at 4:30 PM, and Wednesday at 4:30 PM.

Questions? Contact Alex at acastillo@ffc.com.

Photo of two young girls smiling and having fun

Calling all kids ages 3 – 8. Join us for a fun night of crafts, St. Paddy shenanigans, pizza, and a movie on March 15 from 4:30 – 7:30 PM. Cost: $35 per child for members or $45 for 2 children of members. Non-members are welcome for $5 more.

For info or to register, contact Dawn Brunner at dbrunner@ffc.com. Registration ends Wednesday, March 13.