FFC Union Station
Club Programming

Recent news:

Photo of FFC logo looking to street from interior

Great news, FFC Union Station members! Our brand new rooftop HVAC units, ordered late last year, are on track to arrive in August and barring any unforeseen circumstances, should be installed prior to Labor Day.

Our current units may experience occasional short term outages. Until our brand new units can be installed, we will keep the app banner messages up to date on days where areas of the club may be warmer than usual. Please know you may use any other of our nine FFC locations when this occurs.

Should you have any questions, please contact General Manager Luann Santo at lsanto@ffc.com. Thank you for your patience, support and understanding through this process.

Two people on a turf pushing weighted sleds during a Faction workout class.

Would you like to burn the maximum amount of calories during and after your workout, lose fat, gain muscle, improve your O2 consumption, and reduce your blood pressure and blood sugar all in 45 MINUTES? HIIT BOOT CAMP WILL DO THIS AND MORE!!!

Come join FFC’s certified personal trainer, Richard Perez, for your free week trial and get the results you’ve been looking for in just 45 minutes! The class will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays in June from 12:00-12:45 PM and Mondays from 5 – 5:45 PM. The cost is $128 for 4 sessions or 1x a week and $256 for 8 sessions or 2x a week.

Click here to claim your free trial today!

Woman sitting in arobe holding a coffee cup

Recovery is an important component of a balanced wellness plan. By taking time to recover, we address the soreness and aches that inevitably come with regular exercise.

Massage is one of the best ways to speed up your recovery and keep you feeling your best. It reduces pain, soreness, and stress, improves circulation, and increases relaxation and sleep.

Reach out to one of our two massage therapists, Faith at lcadiz@ffc.com or Alicia amartin@ffc.com, to book your massage today or just book through the FFC+ app.

Welcome new staff to FFC!

Contact azill@ffc.com for your FREE one-on-one consultation and evaluation. Reach out to Anna today and invest time into yourself. . . YOU ARE WORTH IT!

Union Station personal trainer Anna

Woman walking on a road

Come join us every Wednesday for our walk club at 11:30 AM. Get out of your office, put your gym shoes on, and get moving for 45 minutes as one of our team members walks the group to different destinations within the city. Come rain: we will walk on our treadmills or come shine and we will be outside.

Email lsanto@ffc.com for details and to register.