Throughout March, enjoy 15% off waxing at both FFC Oak Park and Park Ridge! You must book and receive the service by March 31, 2024, to receive the discount. No two discounts apply.
Recent news:
Join us in March for a Pickleball league, available for beginner, intermediate, and advanced players! The league runs from March 20 to May 15 and plays every Wednesday from 9:00 – 11:00 AM. Open play game time is also available from 9:00 – 11:00 AM on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
Rates for Members/Non-members
9 Week Season – $125 for Members
9 Week Season – $225 for Non-Members
Open Play drop-in – $20 for Non-Members (FFC Members play for free)
All participants will receive a T-shirt + 1 complimentary Pickleball Lesson.
1st place – $50 FFC Gift Card + Trophy
2nd place – $30 FFC Gift Card + Silver Medal
3rd place – $15 FFC Gift Card + Bronze Medal
Matches will be played as doubles with alternating partners. After registration, you’ll receive an invite to a team reach group chat for communication and updates on the leaderboard. Contact Kyle Zange at for more information and to register (spaces limited)!
Swimming is for all! Let FFC instructors help you on your journey, whether you are a beginner (scared, looking to overcome trauma, or wanting to learn a new skill) or you are more advanced (looking to build swimming into your fitness routine by focusing on your technique and endurance), we are here for it all!
For more details about scheduling, pricing, and availability- please contact Magda Soltys at
Event for 3 months – 12 years olds! Please join us for our Parent’s Night Out on Friday, March 15 from 5:00 – 8:00 PM! The cost is $35 per child/ $45 for two FFC members. Non-members are always welcome for $5 more for each child! We will be having an Easter Egg Hunt, Egg Toss Game & Face Painting. Chicken fingers, chips, and juice boxes are included!
Please register with Marianne at Registration REQUIRED by March 12, 2024.
Celebrate Warrior’s Valentine’s Day with discounted food and drinks! Tacos! Mojitos! Margaritas! Oh my! Enjoy $2 tacos and $4 Warrior Kombucha at the local’84 Cafe.