
Show Your Heart Some Love

Just like your biceps, quadriceps, and abdominal muscles, your heart muscle needs to be worked out. How do you maintain your heart health? With proper nutrition and physical activity! Below, FFC Registered Dietitian Amanda Angelopoulos, and…
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So, What Are VO2 Max & Resting Metabolic Rate Tests, Anyway?

As a 21-year-old college student living in the fast-paced city of Chicago, my life is all about staying on the go. Between juggling internships, school projects, and the general irregularities of college life, I’ve learned how important it…
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WTF is WTF!?

Learn the science behind this FFC group fitness class format that Members have been raving about.   WTF! (Work Till Failure) is Fitness Formula Clubs (FFC)’s newest group fitness class. If you’ve heard about the format and have…
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How Pilates Helped an FFC Member Finish the Chicago Marathon

There is nothing easy about training for a marathon; it requires dedication, discipline, and strategy. For Channing (Silky) Harris, a fitness enthusiast and weightlifter, Pilates at FFC turned out to be the unexpected key to completing the Chicago…
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How to Navigate Holiday Eating

Holiday eating begins with Halloween and continues through New Year's Eve. With so much delicious food and drinks around, how can health be prioritized? As a Registered Dietitian, I am going to share six holiday eating tips to stay balanced,…

Welcome Casey Wright to the FFC Massage Team!

Fitness Formula Clubs is thrilled to be welcoming Casey Wright to the Massage Team! Casey is an enthusiastic Licensed Massage Therapist and Certified Asian Bodyworker. She is most passionate about aiding the body in the return to balance…

Unveiling the Necessity Behind the Luxury: The True Benefits of Massage

In today's fast-paced and stressful world, it is essential to prioritize self-care and find ways to unwind. While many may consider massage as a luxury reserved for special occasions or indulgent spa retreats, it is time to shed light on the…

Elevate Your Fitness Recovery Routine

You’re obsessed with your workout. You can’t stop talking about your favorite HIIT class, the new PR you hit this week, the cool workout machine you’ve been trying, and just how much more energy you have after your 6am gym session. Exercise…
Woman on a massage table

What Is Massage? A Massage Therapist Explains

What is massage? That’s a big question. Anyone who has had a good massage will have a different answer. It’s something you have done once a year, on vacation, every month or twice a week. It’s for discomfort, relaxation, sports performance…
Man in his 30s stretching outside in the snow after a run
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What Is The Best Thing To Do For A Sore Body?

You know that feeling of guilt when you go to the dentist and he or she asks you how often you floss? I get that same feeling when I make an appointment for a massage and the massage therapist asks how often I stretch.  I know that…
Woman using body lotion dispenser

Self Care At Home: 15 Ways To Decompress Right Now

You can’t pour from an empty cup. Secure your own oxygen mask before helping others. Love yourself first. We all know that it’s important to take care of ourselves, but how often are we actually following through with feel-good rituals?…
Woman in camel pose doing yoga on mat in home.
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Feeling Stressed? Learn To Cope With Mindful Movement

Incorporate Pilates, yoga or meditation into your wellness routine to reduce stress and anxiety levels. Read more below. Americans are no strangers to stress. In fact, the United States ranked as the world’s fourth most-stressed country…
White golf ball on a green grass. Golf course. Summer luxury activities.

Calling All Golfers: Try These Exercises To Prevent Or Treat Aches And Pains

With warm weather and blue skies dominating the forecast, Chicagoans are continuing to find socially-distant ways to enjoy the outdoors this summer. Chicago recently entered Phase IV of reopening, bringing with it newly opened parks and outdoor…
Golf ball on tee with blue sky above

Suffering From Neck Pain? Try These 5 Activities Today

Technology has brought many wonderful things to our fingertips. However, an undue side effect of all this technology and constant connectivity is a condition a very large percentage of people suffer from known as “tech neck.” In this day…
Millennial girl relaxing at home on couch, enjoying weekends, empty space

How To Make The Most Of A Mental Health Day

When I moved from sleepy rural Arizona to bustling Chicago, I went from being an underemployed homebody to working multiple gig-based jobs on top of social outings, hobbies, and family commitments. Even my at-the-time stringent yoga schedule…
Fit strong man doing biceps curl in gym

Biceps Brachii: A Misunderstood Muscle & How Massage Can Help

When someone says the word “muscle” to you, what do you think of? Perhaps the pecs or the calves come to mind, but if someone were to ask you to flex your muscles, your go-to muscle would be biceps brachii. Maybe that’s because it is…
Mature entrepreneur suffering from neck pain

Q&A with Massage Therapist Tony Ryan

Ah, the mysteries of getting older. While I think the process has a lot of perks, the gradual increase of aches and pains is definitely not one of them. Luckily, the growing trend of self-care has proven to be a great motivator in paying more…

How to Communicate Your Needs to Your Massage Therapist

“Finding a hairstylist takes time! It’s like dating, except you have to wear the results on your head.” That was one of the first things my hairdresser said to me when we met. Still new to Chicago, I had spent six months looking for…
Woman getting head massage

Feeling Congested? Learn How Massage Therapy Can Help

Stuffy nose, splitting headache and trouble sleeping. Sinus congestion can drain your energy levels for weeks. Did you know that massage therapy can provide relief for sinus congestion, pressure and headaches? Read on to learn how massage can…
Woman washing hands at sick

How to Stay Healthy During Cold and Flu Season

It’s also officially cold and flu season in Chicago. Of course, it’s always best to avoid getting sick in the first place, but if you do come down with a bug, here are some tips to help you get back to better health in a timely fashion.