Available every Wednesday at 1:00 pm in October, this Pilates class will focus on strengthening the muscles and increasing flexibility in muscles commonly missed in regular men’s strength training routines. The class will increase the stability in the core and “gains” on the weight room floor. For more info, email Paula at pziols@ffc.com.
Recent news:
Any member that is registered for monthly Faction classes and refers a member to Faction will receive one month of Faction free ($115 value). For more info, email Rich Smith at rsmith@ffc.com.
FFC West Loop has added an additional Faction class to the schedule: Wednesdays at 8:00 PM. Come ready to work! For more info, email Rich Smith at rsmith@ffc.com.
In celebration of our 40th anniversary, we have put together a great lineup of anniversary-themed group fitness classes. 40STRONG is a 40-minute total body workout you won’t want to miss! In this class, you will perform 40 exercises for one minute each in succession with no breaks! Reserve your spot in the FFC+ app – See you in class!
FFC East Lakeview
- Saturday, September 23 at 10:00 AM with Matt
FFC Elmhurst
- Monday, September 18 at 8:30 AM with Tania (GF Studio)
FFC Gold Coast
- Tuesday, September 19 at 5:30 PM with Stephanie
FFC Lincoln Park
- Monday, September 18 at 5:30 PM with Tiffany
FFC Oak Park
- Tuesday, September 19 at 6:00 PM with Ashley
- Thursday, September 21 at 6:00 PM with Rachel
FFC Old Town
- Wednesday, September 20 at 6:00 PM with Charlotte
FFC Park Ridge
- Thursday, September 21 at 9:15 AM with Mari
FFC South Loop
- Wednesday, September 20 at 6:30 PM with Becca
- Sunday, September 24 at 10:15 AM with Nazha
FFC West Loop
- Monday, September 18 at 6:00 PM with Lara
It may be FFC’s 40th anniversary, but we’re the ones giving the presents. See below for a list of new equipment headed to FFC West Loop soon! FFC is always looking for ways to add value to serve you better.
- 1 new Life Fitness Leg Extension Machine
- 2 new Assault Airdyne Bikes
- 1 new Hammer Strength Glute/Hamstring Machine
- All new Keiser Spin Bikes
- All new black exercise mats