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FFC: Your Holistic Health Solution

Lisa Brigham has been a member of Fitness Formula Clubs (FFC) in the Chicago Suburbs for over 17 years. Lisa has always prioritized health and wellness in her busy life. A mom of 3 teens who works a full-time job, Lisa has always been determined…
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The Importance of Educator Health and Wellbeing

Educators have played an important role in every single one of our lives. Our educators helped us get from pre-school through high school graduation. For those of us with children, the impact of educators has taken on an entirely new meaning.…
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Maria Vazquez – Fighting Negative Fitness Biases and Making Lasting Life Changes with FFC

Maria Vazquez used to be intimidated by the gym. She had the impression that gym-goers were unwelcoming and judgmental of people early in their fitness journey. Her mindset completely shifted when she met the friendly, welcoming, and knowledgeable…
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How Sophie Lester Found Physical and Mental Confidence at FFC

In August of 2021, Sophie Lester was experiencing something that many of us adults have also experienced: burnout. She needed a way to take time for herself and relieve stress. Seeking a way to build physical and mental confidence outside of…
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Emily Oberst’s Road to the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games

Emily Oberst is a 25 year old Wisconsin Native, current Chicago resident, 2020 University of Illinois graduate, AND a member of Team U.S.A’s Women’s Wheelchair Basketball team. She and her team will be competing in the Paris Paralympic…
Emily With Balloons and A Trophy standing in front of a squat rack

Day One Journey: Emily Is Ready For The Big Day!

In late 2021, we asked our members, “What’s Your Day One?” Dozens of members shared their 2022 fitness goals with us, and we chose four members to follow on their journeys from Day One to Goal Accomplished! Emily has completed her 12-week…
A woman at a squat rack with her trainer

Day One Journey: Emily Trains For Her Big Lift!

In late 2021, we asked our members, “What’s Your Day One?” Dozens of members shared their 2022 fitness goals with us, and we chose four members to follow on their journeys from Day One to Goal Accomplished! Emily is now more than halfway…
FFC member Emily

Day One Journey: Meet Emily

In late 2021, we asked our members, “What’s Your Day One?” Dozens of members shared their 2022 fitness goals with us, and we chose four members to follow on their journeys from Day One to Goal Accomplished! Let's meet one of those members:…
Group of people smiling and standing together in front of a pickleball net.

What Is Pickleball? Learn Why This FFC Employee Loves The Sport

Pickleball is the fastest-growing sport in America, and the pickleball craze has hit FFC! FFC Creative Director Josh Beaton shares his experience learning the sport and explains why it's a great way to stay active and connect with fellow Chicagoans.…
FFC Member Renu Kulkarni standing outside with her daughter.

Day One Journey: Renu Is Ready For Race Day!

In late 2021, we asked our members, “What’s Your Day One?” Dozens of members shared their 2022 fitness goals with us, and we chose four members to follow on their journeys from Day One to Goal Accomplished! Renu has completed her 12-week…
Renu Kulkarni At FFC Gold Coast

Day One Journey: Renu Gears Up For Her 5K

In late 2021, we asked our members, “What’s Your Day One?” Dozens of members shared their 2022 fitness goals with us, and we chose four members to follow on their journeys from Day One to Goal Accomplished! Renu is now more than halfway…
Renu Kulkarni, Day One Program Participant

Day One Journey: Meet Renu

In late 2021, we asked our members, “What’s Your Day One?” Dozens of members shared their 2022 fitness goals with us, and we chose four members to follow on their journeys from Day One to Goal Accomplished! Let's meet one of those members:…
Juan and trainer Joy smiling in the pool

Day One Journey: Juan’s Journey Comes To A Close

In late 2021, we asked our members, “What’s Your Day One?” Dozens of members shared their 2022 fitness goals with us, and we chose four members to follow on their journeys from Day One to Goal Accomplished! Juan has completed his 12-week…
Juan smiling in pool with trainer Joy

Day One Journey: Checking In With Juan At The Halfway Mark

In late 2021, we asked our members, “What’s Your Day One?” Dozens of members shared their 2022 fitness goals with us, and we chose four members to follow on their journeys from Day One to Goal Accomplished! Juan is now halfway through…

Day One Journey: Meet Juan

In late 2021, we asked our members, “What’s Your Day One?” Dozens of members shared their 2022 fitness goals with us, and we chose four members to follow on their journeys from Day One to Goal Accomplished! First up, let's meet Juan! Juan…
Employee Spotlight: Corynne Cooper

Employee Spotlight: Once A Gymnast, Always A Gymnast by Corynne Cooper

Corynne Cooper is the General Manager of 111 S. Wacker Fitness Center, managed by FFC. In part three of this three-part series, Corynne shares how her Olympic dreams lead her to collegiate athletics and how the sport of gymnastics has influenced…

Employee Spotlight: Training With The “A” Team by Corynne Cooper

Corynne Cooper is the General Manager of 111 S. Wacker Fitness Center, managed by FFC. In part two of this three-part series, Corynne shares how her career as a gymnast began and the tough love training that accompanies the sport. Related:…

Employee Spotlight: How My Upbringing Shaped Me by Corynne Cooper

Corynne Cooper is the General Manager of 111 S. Wacker Fitness Center, managed by FFC. In part one of this three-part series, Corynne shares her family's history and describes how her parents were early supporters of her love of sports. As…