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Show Your Heart Some Love

Just like your biceps, quadriceps, and abdominal muscles, your heart muscle needs to be worked out. How do you maintain your heart health? With proper nutrition and physical activity! Below, FFC Registered Dietitian Amanda Angelopoulos, and FFC Personal Trainer Brent Yao, provide ways that you can show your heart some love!

How to Take Care of Your Heart Health From the Perspective of a Registered Dietitian

We first asked Amanda Angelopoulos, FFC Registered Dietitian, how to maintain heart health.

Q: What role does proper nutrition play in heart health? 

A: Maintaining a proper diet helps manage cholesterol, blood pressure, and weight. It is essential that what we eat is balanced with enough fruits, vegetables, whole grains and healthy fats. These nutrients support healthy arteries, lower inflammation, and keep blood pressure and cholesterol in check. In doing so, the risk of heart disease decreases! 

Q: What is the difference between “good” and “bad” fats in relation to nutrition and heart health?  

A: It is important to remember that not all fats are bad. In fact, some fats are good for your heart. Good fats can be found in olive oil, nuts, and fish. These healthy “good” fats lower bad cholesterol and reduce inflammation, improving your heart health. On the other hand, “bad” fats do the opposite; they raise bad cholesterol and increase the risk of heart disease. These “bad” fats can be found in processed and saturated foods, including red meat and full-fat dairy. It is important to limit these “bad” fats in your diet to protect your heart.

Q: How does someone know if their diet is helpful or harmful to their cardiovascular health?  

A: There are several warning signs when your cardiovascular health is deteriorating due to an improper diet: unhealthy cholesterol levels, abnormal blood pressure, and an unhealthy weight. To ensure that your diet is heart-healthy, check to ensure that you are eating enough fruits, vegetables, whole grains and healthy fats. You should also limit processed foods, salt, and unhealthy fats. This is where working with a Registered Dietitian can prove to be the critical step to finding the right balanced diet for you! They will help you formulate a tailored nutrition plan based on your test results and health goals.

Q: What else should people know if they want to maintain a diet that keeps their heart healthy? 

A: To maintain a heart-healthy diet, people should aim to:

  1. Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables for vitamins and fiber.
  2. Choose whole grains over refined grains.
  3. Limit processed foods, sugar, and salt.
  4. Include healthy fats like those from nuts, seeds, and fatty fish.
  5. Watch portion sizes to avoid overeating.
  6. Stay hydrated with water instead of sugary drinks.
  7. Balance your diet with regular physical activity to support overall heart health.

Our experienced team of Registered Dietitians at FFC is here as a resource for you to become the healthiest you in 2025!

How to Take Care of Your Heart Health From the Perspective of a Personal Trainer

We then asked Brent Yao, FFC Personal Trainer, how to maintain heart health.

Q: What role does exercise play in keeping your heart healthy?

A: Exercise is like a workout for your heart. It strengthens the heart muscle, which makes it more efficient at pumping blood. It also lowers your resting heart rate. Exercise has the power to lower your blood pressure, reduce your risk of heart disease, and improve your overall quality of life by making daily tasks less strenuous!

Q: Why is strength training important for your heart’s health?

A: Strength training directly impacts muscle mass and bone density, which can help improve your metabolism, burn more calories (even when you’re at rest!), and lower the risk of musculoskeletal injuries. This can help you maintain a healthy weight, which is important for heart health. Strength training can also help lower blood pressure and improve quality of life when training in a full range of motion.

Q: How can we incorporate our target heart rate zones into our workouts to ensure that we are doing the most effective exercise for our hearts?

A: Your target heart rate zone is the range of heartbeats per minute that will give you the most benefit from your workout. To find your target heart rate zones, follow these steps:

  • Calculate your maximum heart rate (MHR). The most common way to do this is by subtracting your age from 220. For example, if you are 30 years old, your MHR would be 220 – 30 = 190 beats per minute (bpm).
  • Determine your target heart rate zones. These are ranges of heart rates that correspond to different levels of exercise intensity. The American Heart Association recommends the following zones:
    • * Moderate-intensity activity: 50-70% of your MHR. For a 30-year-old, this would be approximately 95-133 bpm.
    • * Vigorous-intensity activity: 70-85% of your MHR. For a 30-year-old, this would be approximately 133-162 bpm.
  • Monitor your heart rate during exercise. You can do this by taking your pulse or using a heart rate monitor. Adjust your exercise intensity to stay within your target heart rate zone. If your heart rate is too low, you may need to increase the intensity of your workout. If it is too high, you may need to decrease the intensity.

It is important to note that these are just general guidelines. Your individual target heart rate zones may vary depending on your fitness level, health conditions, and other factors. That’s where FFC’s Personal Trainers come in! Our team of experts will create a personalized plan designed for your heart health. 

Blog by Amanda Angelopoulos & Brent Yao