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5 search results for: omar


FFC Featured Playlist – Omar Romero

Omar Romero is a group fitness instructor at FFC South Loop and FFC Union Station. His focus is on HIIT, strength training and obstacle course races. He is a local from Chicago where serves as a technology consultant by day. Check out Omar’s playlist on our Spotify channel.


Breaking Up Your Daily Fitness

As a technology and fitness professional, I have the pleasure of seeing two different worlds. On one end, I see the rapid rate of my Outlook inbox filling with email requests. On the other, I’m reading body language for proper form and signs of muscle fatigue. What’s interesting is how much these worlds can benefit […]


How I Meal Prep Lunch for a Week Plus Helpful Tips for Meal Prep

My friends and coworkers often ask me about weekly meal prep. I am very passionate about healthy eating. In multiple conversations with friends and coworkers, I have noticed most people want to do it, but find it difficult to justify the time and question the cost savings. As someone who has prepped meals for years, […]