Member of the Month – Julia Cappelli

FFC member of the month

Congratulations to FFC Oak Park’s July member of the month, Julia Cappelli! Anna answered a few questions for us about being a member at FFC:


  1. What does membership at FFC mean to you? 

To me, this membership means that I have access to a facility that allows me to grow stronger so I can reach my goals.


  1. When I am at FFC you will find me…

You can typically find me here on weekday mornings between 6 – 8 AM in the free weight area or on the treadmill.


     3. I work out to…

I work out so I can become the best version of myself. Every day that I show up I know that I am taking another step towards the life that I want to live.


OP member of the month - Julia Capelli