Member of the Month – Edy Ramirez

FFC member of the month

Congratulations to FFC Oak Park’s December member of the month, Edy Ramirez! Edy answered a few questions for us about being a member at FFC:


  1. What does membership at FFC mean to you? 

Being a member of FFC has motivated me to take care of my physical health. I used to view going to the gym as more of a chore but after developing a weekly gym routine at FFC, it has now become one of my favorite parts of the day.


  1. When I am at FFC you will find me…

You’ll see me around 5:00 – 6:00 AM either weightlifting or playing basketball


     3. I work out to…

Clear my mind and relax my body in the early morning before heading off into a long day of real estate.


FFC Oak Park member of the month Edy Ramirez