FFC Oak Park Trainer Spotlight: Sohail Ali

Personal trainer spotlight at FFC

This month, we’re shining a spotlight on personal trainer Sohail Ali. If you’ve not met Sohail, he has been a member of our personal training team at FFC Oak Park since 2016. His areas of expertise include core training, strength training, TRX/body weight training, weight loss and weightlifting

Sohail suddenly and tragically lost his brother, Samir, an OPRF alum and Oak Park resident, in December 2022. Sohail shared that exercise has been a helpful tool in processing and managing the immense grief around this loss.

”Each day, I have been dedicating at least one exercise to my brother. His birthday was May 19, so I dedicate five rounds/sets for nineteen repetitions in honor of him (5×19). I would love for you to join me in commemoration of him or you could even choose one of your own siblings/relatives.

Pick any exercise and their birthday. For example, if their birthday is April 8, you would do 4×8 (4 sets of 8 reps) of an exercise – whether it’s a squat, an interval, lunges, deadlifts, etc. Use this as MOTIVATION and DRIVE! Tomorrow is not promised. Continue to or start to improve your mental health and physical well-being. If not for yourself, do it for the people you love.”

Thank you, Sohail, for sharing your story. Rest in peace, Samir Ali.

Sohail an FFC trainer poses with his brother Samir