FFC beneFITs

The header for our FFC Benefits program

You promote your business and buy media for one reason: results. The FFC beneFITs program leverages our respected brand to connect you with a prime audience – educated, influential individuals of various ages who are tech-savvy, well-informed, and ready to spend. They’re interested not only in health and fitness but also in business, entertainment, travel, culture, and more.

How does it work?
We strategically display your message on high-traffic screens, promote it to our social followers, and invite you to our club for on-site activations. This ensures your name, product, or offer gains visibility, drives action, and boosts awareness.

Maximum Exposure (6-Month Commitment):

Digital Ad Network
1/month (6 total)
Specs: 1206 x 945, jpeg files

Social Media Posts
1/quarter (2 total)
Instagram and Facebook

Onsite Activations
1/quarter (2 total)
In-club tabling for 2 hours

The Investment
$400/month for 1 club
$800/month for all clubs

Contact Max Sonkin at 216.410.3912 or msonkin@ffc.com for more information or to reserve your space.