The Evolution of Group Fitness: From Aerobics To Modern Day Fitness Classes
At Fitness Formula Clubs, we know that our members value variety when it comes to their fitness routines. Our members have the option of hitting the fitness floor for a solo weight-lifting session, diving into one of our indoor pools to swim…

How To Schedule Your Weekly Workouts According To A Personal Trainer
As a personal trainer, one of the questions I'm asked most frequently from new clients is: how should I schedule my weekly workouts? If you are wondering how many times to lift during the week or how many cardio sessions you should do to reach…

Cross Training Your Group Fitness Workouts: How Taking Different Instructors And Formats Can Breathe New Life Into Your Program
Admit it: you have your favorite group fitness instructors whose classes you take from week to week. You reschedule meetings, change Friday night plans and show up late to Sunday brunch just to take their classes. For instructors, having a…

Try This Full Body Dumbbell Workout On Your Next Strength Day
Now that restrictions have been lifted and we are back to a more comfortable state in our local gyms, some of you might be wondering where to start when returning to a regular fitness routine. If you are a new member at FFC, I highly recommend…

Using Your WorkOUT to WorkIN: 3 Ways To Tune In To Your Mind/Body Connection During Exercise
If you’re reading this blog, most likely you are a fan of working out. Our FFC clubs are bursting with enthusiastic members who LOVE a great workout, amiright?! Most of the time we think about exercise as an output and it’s done on autopilot;…

Try This Core Workout For Beginners
You've likely heard a fitness instructor or personal trainer tell you to "engage your core" during exercise. There is no doubt, your core is very important. You need your core for everything, from getting out of bed in the morning to grabbing…

Your Breath, Your Power: How To Harness Your Biggest Training Asset
If you’ve ever been to a yoga class, chances are the instructor talked about controlling your breathing, even if it’s just to align your inhales and exhales to your poses. Have you ever wondered why breath work is such an important part…

Women And Weights: Why You Should Lift Heavy
FFC Group Fitness Manager Lara Mele debunks the theory that lifting heavy weights will make women “bulky” and shares why weightlifting is a great form of exercise for women.
I am definitely of the opinion that women should lift…

Lights, COVID, Action: Behind The Scenes Of Bringing You Digital Fitness Classes
Oh, the challenges and obstacles 2020 (and now 2021) presented for something as simple as taking a group fitness class. We transitioned from the comfort and ease of the group fitness studio to the great outdoors, in both warm and cold weather,…

The Great Weight Debate
Our group fitness schedule at FFC features a wide variety of classes, including yoga, dance, indoor cycling and a number of strength training classes. Depending on the class type, these strength training classes may utilize bodyweight movements…

Combat Lower Back Pain With These Strengthening and Mobility Moves
If you have noticed aches or pains in your low back at some point over the past few months, you are not alone. This year has been filled with all sorts of changes, from transitioning to working from home to changing how we exercise or…

Breathe Easy At The Gym With These Plastic Mask Inserts
FFC Elmhurst General Manager Scott Lewandowski is a 3-time Ironman finisher and 8-time Boston Marathon qualifier. When the statewide mandate for wearing masks while exercising indoors went into effect, Scott decided to try a variety of plastic…

Bring It In: 3 Safe Indoor Workouts To Do At The Gym
We get it. Returning to the gym right now can be intimidating. You might be wondering what it’s like to work out in a mask, how to transition your workout from the outdoors to the club or simply how to start exercising again after some time…

Can Walking Really Help You Lose Weight?
Be honest: how many of you were lacing up your sneakers and going on regular walks pre-COVID? I don’t mean your power walk to the train or your half walk, half jog to get to the office on time; I’m talking about a dedicated, intentional…

Make Your Halloween Movie Night Extra Spooky With These Workouts
Grab your candy, popcorn and blankets, folks, because it's officially spooky movie season!
If your family or friend group is anything like mine, you might find yourself watching a certain Halloween movie more than once this October (cough:…

Goodbye, Chicago Summer: Move Your Exercise Routine Into The Club With These Two Cardio Workouts
Here in Chicago, we joke that the city only has two seasons: winter and construction. And with winters as notoriously brutal as ours, it's no wonder that Chicagoans wait all year for the fleeting 100 days of summer. The city comes alive in…

Runners, Take Note: These 8 Exercises Could Help Prevent An Injury
Whether you run for 15 minutes to relieve stress or you're training for your 100th marathon, you are considered a runner in my books. Unfortunately, runners are quite injury prone because of the redundant nature of the activity, the lack of…

Mask Required: Which Face Mask Is Best For Your Workout?
Welcome to our "new normal." Nowadays if you want to return to your favorite gym/health club for a workout, wearing a mask is most likely an essential accessory. “That sounds awful!” you say? Well, I am here to tell you it’s actually…

Feeling Stressed? Learn To Cope With Mindful Movement
Incorporate Pilates, yoga or meditation into your wellness routine to reduce stress and anxiety levels. Read more below.
Americans are no strangers to stress. In fact, the United States ranked as the world’s fourth most-stressed country…

Stream On: How I Found Value In Leading Classes Online
On Monday, March 16, I taught my final in-person group fitness class before we closed our clubs due to COVID-19. An otherwise full studio was left to only four students and me. As local government officials put our shelter-in-place order into…