Strong Mind | Strong Body #4: Staying Healthy While Traveling

Staying healthy while traveling

To have the experience to travel is a blessing, and something to be taken advantage of. However, vacation also does not mean you should throw all of your hard work away. Here are a few tips for staying healthy while traveling I’ve learned along the way.

Steps for Staying Healthy While Traveling

Exercising While Traveling

Nowadays, most hotels have a gym and pool that is accessible. It might not be as well-equipped as FFC, but you can make use of what is there! Resistance bands are easy to pack and are great to use for a workout.

Related: airports now have yoga rooms – here are some simple tips to make the most of them and fit in some exercise while you’re traveling!

If you are visiting somewhere new, chances are that you will be walking around a lot, which will count toward your daily fitness. Depending on where you travel and your plans, you should aim to fit in 30-60 minutes of physical activity a day, in whatever form you can.

Eating Healthy While Traveling

For some, staying on top of food choices on vacation can be a challenge. Depending on your fitness goal, food choices will differ from person to person. In my travel experience, these are some food and snack ideas you can bring with you to stay on track of your nutrition – they require minimal space to pack and are durable (except the prepped meat):

  • Bring powered protein powder in shaker cups
  • Tuna packets (minimal packing space, lean + high protein)
  • Protein bars
  • Dried meat
  • Fruit/nuts (almonds for essential fats)
  • Yogurt cups
  • Rice cakes (for quick carbs)
  • Microwavable oatmeal
  • Depending if you are traveling in the country and for a minimal period of time, it is possible to also prep proteins such as chicken and freeze them

If I am traveling while on prep, I make sure that I bring all of my meals with me, that way I always have something to eat and I am on track with my goals.

Related: keeping a balance of your work, school, life and health can be complicated – but Sophia has some tips to help!

If I am not on prep and on vacation with my family, I do bring healthy snacks like the ones I listed in this article, but I do treat myself on occasion. When I was visiting South Africa, we went on a lot of trips, some including safaris. For this, I had to pack a variety of snacks that I could bring to sustain me for a few days.

When I am prepping for a show, I have to be strict with my diet, but if I am in off season, I let myself enjoy in moderation with good health in mind.

Navigating the Airport

Airports are typically filled with fast food options. It is still possible to stay on track. While I was waiting for my flight in Atlanta airport, I went to Starbucks for breakfast. Starbucks is a great on the go food stop, they include the calories on their menu and they have a variety of healthy food options.

Related: want some more tips for eating healthy at the airport? Check out these hacks!

Use a Meal Prep Service & Stay Somewhere With a Kitchen

Meal prep services have become very popular as well in several states, if you are traveling to another state and want to have your meals ready, you can customize your meals online and have them ordered to where you are staying. If you do decide to meal prep your own meals to travel, I recommend using Ziplock bags and Tupperware to store your foods and minimize space. Prepping your food close enough to the day that you travel will ensure that your meals stay fresh.

Airbnbs are great for traveling; you have access to a kitchen where you can cook your own foods, which will help to save money on eating and ordering out.

Order Healthfully When Eating Out

I believe everything in moderation. It is essential to treat yourself on vacation. Going out to different restaurants and trying different foods is a wonderful bonding experience. If you want to make healthy eating choices, there are ways to order food to make it more nutritious when eating out. Some ways to do this include:

  • Asking for dressing on the side
  • Asking to be cooked without oil
  • Seeking out grilled items
  • Ordering a side salad instead of something higher in calories
  • Order water
  • Share dessert

Staying Healthy While Traveling is EASY – Just Keep It Simple

Traveling should not be a time to over-analyze your diet and fitness. ‘Everything in moderation’ should be the foundation to a healthy lifestyle. Staying healthy while traveling IS possible – it just takes some planning!

Post written by FFC Old Town membership representative Sophia Valbuena.

About Sophia